Casual Progression

The Legion pre-patch changed a lot of things. For one, like for a lot of people I suppose, it made me want to play the game again. It took me three days prior to the patch to clean up all of my 42 toons’ banks, bags and void storage. Three days. Only to find out later I had a guild bank full of transmog gear I had completely forgotten about.

Once the patch hit, I deleted twelve alts that I hadn’t played enough in the past year to justify keeping them around any longer. The main reason I was keeping them was for unique transmog items they had. It actually felt good to get rid of some alts. I transferred my hunter back to her original realm, Area 52, to play with my boyfriend again. That meant I had a lot of leveling to do, and professions to max out.

During the Invasion Event, I leveled a couple characters and got some 700 item level gear for some of my max level characters. I started looking for a guild and found one about a week before Legion went live. Two months into Legion, we’re a small, tight-knit, family-like guild, composed of about 50 people. We do mythics and mythic+ dungeons often, have a heroic raid group, multiple groups running Karazhan, and even do Normal Emerald Dream on Mondays for alts and/or non-raiders.

Thanks to Casual Progression, I’m doing mythics+, which is something I never thought I would do, and even raid once a week. I’ve made tons of friends, and they make me feel safe and loved enough to try things that were once out of my comfort zone. Even though I’m not an offical raider, I was invited to join the raid while they worked on their Heroic Xavius kill. Two or three attempts later, with me actively tanking the floor, we all got AotC: Xavius and I couldn’t be more proud of my guildies.


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